Direct flights Newcastle Dublin


1 flight/day

Direct flight is synonymous with : longer vacations less stress less fatigue less delay .

Find all direct flights from the departure to the arrival cities. The entirety of direct flights are documented. You hate wasting your time during stopovers? Choose a direct flight!
Don't waste time with aircraft changes, opt for a direct flight and return to your holiday destination without delay. Holidays are far too short to be waiting for hours in an airport lobby between flights. Travel with confidence and without fear of missing your connecting flight due to a delay.

Number of flights per month
1 flight/day1 flight/day1 flight/day1 flight/day1 flight/day1 flight/day1 flight/day1 flight/day1 flight/day1 flight/day1 flight/day1 flight/day
Served by airline company: Aer Lingus

Direct flights calendar Newcastle Dublin

See direct flights calendar

In light greay, when a direct flight is available, vol direct dispo
In dark grey, when there are no direct flights vol direct no dispo

The benefits of a direct flight

  • longer vacations
  • less stress
  • less fatigue
  • less hotel fares
  • less delay

Make your choice based on the activities you're planning to do. Decide where you want to go, then check the direct flights from Newcastle Airport. You will find a direct route to your destination without any doubt!
Getting to Dublin Airport from Newcastle Airport takes only 1h10 with no stopover. Aer Lingus is the only company offering direct flights.
You can take advantage of non-stop flights during the months of april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december, january, february, march. To benefit from lower prices, avoid booking your flight during weekends.
Is there a way to reach your vacation destination directly from your city with no stopover? Find out by checking our list of non-stop flights between Newcastle and Dublin. Depending on the month you choose, you will find all the departure days for non-stop flights. Of course you can narrow down your search by selecting a precise day. Then, you will have all the information: departure times, flight times, arrival times and the airline company. It’s your dream? Dublin is waiting for you!