Flights and plane tickets to Canada

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Direct flight

Nous n'avons trouvé aucun vol direct depuis la France vers Canada.


CitiesAirportsIATA code
BanffBanff AirportYBA
CalgaryCalgary International AirportYYC
ForestvilleForestville AirportYFE
HalifaxHalifax / Stanfield International AirportYHZ
MontrealMontreal International (Mirabel) AirportYMX
MontrealMontreal / Pierre Elliott Trudeau International AirportYUL
OttawaOttawa Macdonald-Cartier International AirportYOW
Quebec CityQuebec Jean Lesage International AirportYQB
TorontoLester B. Pearson International AirportYYZ
TorontoBilly Bishop Toronto City Centre AirportYTZ
VancouverVancouver International AirportYVR
VictoriaVictoria International AirportYYJ
WhistlerWhistler/Green Lake Water AerodromeYWS