Flights and plane tickets to the West Coast
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All direct flights to the West Coast
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1 only departure city with a direct flight to the West Coast.
Departure |
Connection |
London |
Flight London Salt Lake City
10h40 Flight London Phoenix 11h00 |
Cities | Airports | IATA code |
Denver | Denver International Airport | DEN |
Houston | George Bush Intercontinental Houston Airport | IAH |
Las Vegas | McCarran International Airport | LAS |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles International Airport | LAX |
Nulato | Nulato Airport | NUL |
Palm Springs | Palm Springs International Airport | PSP |
Phoenix | Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport | PHX |
Pueblo | Pueblo Memorial Airport | PUB |
Salt Lake City | Salt Lake City International Airport | SLC |
San Antonio | San Antonio International Airport | SAT |
San Diego | San Diego International Airport | SAN |
San Francisco | San Francisco International Airport | SFO |
Seattle | Seattle Tacoma International Airport | SEA |